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Night Market Extravagance!

Wine Time!
Despite the stormy weather, The Midwinter Night Market Extravaganza was just that – wintry and extravagant! We had an extraordinary amount of visitors, as many as the Sunday markets, who were all well impressed with the creative stalls, delicious food and unexpected performances on offer. The vibrant and positive atmosphere proved the Raglan knack to make the most of the evening, no doubt assisted by a fine brew of mulled wine from the Pottery Shed. The whole event was so successful that we will be having a Summer Night Market in December with even more entertainment and performances.

A MASSIVE thanks to all those who helped on the night, especially Clare Wimmer and Shannon Darbyshire for the wine, Vodafone NZ, Steve from Stendy Electrical for hooking us up and the Maori Wardens for keeping antics under control.

In the future if you ever have any doubts if we are having a market due to bad weather, just call the Old School Arts Centre on 825 0023 and the answer message will reveal all. See you on September the 9th.

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