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Apr 20-21: Eats & Treats – special foodies’ edition

Presented by Raglan Creative Market

Food and art collide at the Raglan Arts Weekend in Easter 2019 with delicious treats to accompany the magical art on display at the Old School.

Open from 10am-3pm on the Saturday and Sunday of Easter (April 20 and 21) the food stalls will add another flavour to the popular Arts Weekend.

The Preview and 300×300 exhibition will be on in the Gallery and several local RAW artists will also be showcasing their creations at the Old School.

Some foodie favourites include Pie Kai’s  hand crafted pies made from locally sourced produce, with fresh and tasty ingredients, unique recipes, the coffee guru Mal will be on the grind for coffees, Raglan Chocolate with their tasty ethically sourced and crafted locally chocolate delights.

Plus Etai with authentic falafels, Ferran with authentic Paellas (Sat only) and ULO’s Kitchen with great Japanese and Korean cuisine

Raglan Old School Arts Centre
5 Stewart St
Raglan, 3225

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